Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru
Learn Spring with the most modern and comprehensive course available for Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2. It shows you the latest Spring programming technologies and real world industry best practices.
* Progress: 250/526 *
Contenuto del corso
Sezione 1: Introduction to Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru
✅ 1. Getting the Most out of Your Spring Framework 5 Course!
✅ 2. Spring Framework 5 – Course Introduction
✅ 3. Instructor Introduction – John Thompson, Spring Framework Guru
✅ 4. Setting up your Development Environment for Spring
✅ 5. Is Your IDE Free Like a Puppy?
✅ 6. Free 120 Day IntelliJ IDEA Trial!
✅ 7. What’s New in Spring Framework 5?
✅ 8. Getting Help with the Spring Framework
✅ 9. Course Slack Room – Chat Live with Me and Other Gurus!
Sezione 2: Building a Spring Boot Web App
✅ 10. Introduction
✅ 11. Spring Initializer
✅ 12. Open Project in IntelliJ
✅ Compito 1: Create New Spring Boot Project
✅ 13. GitHub Workflow
✅ 14. JPA Entities
✅ 15. Equality in Hibernate
✅ 16. Spring Data Repositories
✅ 17. Initializing Data with Spring
✅ Compito 2: Add Publisher Entity
✅ 18. Publisher Relationships
✅ 19. H2 Database Console
✅ 20. Introduction to Spring MVC
✅ 21. Configuring Spring MVC Controllers
✅ 22. Thymeleaf Templates
✅ Compito 3: Display List of Authors
✅ 23. Introduction to Spring Pet Clinic
✅ 24. Running Spring Pet Clinic
✅ 25. Intro to SFG Version of Spring PetClinic Application
✅ 26. Spring Pet Clinic – Initializing Spring PetClinic Application
✅ 27. Spring Pet Clinic – Task Planning
✅ 28. Conclusion
Sezione 3: Dependency Injection with Spring
✅ 29. Introduction
✅ 30. SOLID Principles of OOP
✅ 31. Create Spring DI Example Project
✅ 32. The Spring Context
✅ 33. Basics of Dependency Injection
✅ 34. Dependency Injection without Spring
✅ 35. Dependency Injection using Spring Framework
✅ 36. Using Qualifiers
✅ 37. Primary Beans
✅ 38. Spring Profiles
✅ 39. Default Profile
✅ Compito 4: Dependency Injection Assignment
✅ 40. Spring Bean Life Cycle
✅ 41. Spring Bean Life Cycle Demo
✅ 42. Flashcards
✅ 43. Open Closed Principle
✅ 44. Interface Segregation Principle
✅ 45. Dependency Inversion Principle
✅ 46. Interface Naming Conventions
✅ 47. Spring Pet Clinic – POJO Data Model
✅ 48. Spring Pet Clinic – Multi-Module Maven Builds
✅ 49. Spring Pet Clinic – Using the Maven Release Plugin
✅ 50. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Interfaces for Services
✅ 51. Spring Pet Clinic – Implement Base Entity
✅ 52. Conclusion
Sezione 4: Building A Spring Boot Jokes App
✅ 53. Introduction to Building a Spring Boot Jokes App
✅ 54. Assignment – Build a Spring Boot Jokes App
✅ 55. Creating the Spring Boot Project
✅ 56. Adding Maven Dependencies
✅ 57. Creating the Spring Service Layer
✅ 58. Creating the Spring MVC Controller
✅ 59. Creating the View Layer
✅ 60. Tips and Tricks – Custom Banner
✅ 61. Spring Pet Clinic – Refactor Services to Common Interface
✅ 62. Spring Pet Clinic – Implement Map Based Services
✅ 63. Spring Pet Clinic – Using and Image for Custom Banner
✅ 64. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Index Page and Controller
✅ 65. Spring Pet Clinic – Task Planning
✅ 66. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Vet Page and Controller
✅ 67. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Owner Page and Controller
✅ 68. Conclusion
Sezione 5: Spring Framework Configuration
✅ 69. Introduction to Spring Framework Configuration
✅ 70. Spring Configuration Options
✅ 71. Spring Stereotypes
✅ 72. Component Scan
✅ 73. Java Configuration Example
✅ 74. Primary Beans and Profiles
✅ 75. DI in Java Configuration
✅ 76. Using Factory Beans
✅ 77. Spring XML Configuration Example
✅ 78. Spring Bean Scope
✅ 79. Spring Bean Scope Example
✅ 80. Spring Pet Clinic – Load Data on Startup with Java
✅ 81. Spring Pet Clinic – Implement Spring Configuration
✅ 82. Spring Pet Clinic – List Owners
✅ 83. Spring Pet Clinic – List Vets
✅ 84. Spring Pet Clinic – Auto Generate Map IDs
✅ 85. Conclusion
Sezione 6: External Properties with Spring Framework
✅ 86. Section Overview
✅ 87. External Properties Overview
✅ 88. Using Properties Source
✅ 89. Environment Variables and Command Line Args
✅ 90. Spring Boot Application.properties
✅ 91. Spring Boot Profile Application.properties
✅ 92. Spring Boot Application.yml
✅ 93. Spring Boot Profile Application.yml
✅ 94. Multiple Profiles in One YAML File
✅ 95. Properties Binding
✅ 96. Constructor Properties Binding
Sezione 7: Web Development with Spring MVC
✅ 97. Introduction to Web Development with Spring MVC
✅ 98. Assignment: Create a Recipe Project using Spring Boot
✅ 99. Assignment Review – Create Recipe Project
✅ 100. Introduction to Thymeleaf
✅ 101. Create Index Page
✅ 102. HTTP Protocol
✅ 103. HTTP Request Methods
✅ 104. Chrome Developer Tools
✅ 105. Firefox Firebug
✅ 106. Firefox Developer Edition
✅ 107. Safari Web Inspector
✅ 108. Axis TCPMon
✅ 109. Spring Boot Development Tools
✅ 110. IntelliJ Compiler Configuration for Spring Boot Development Tools
✅ 111. Spring Pet Clinic – Static Resources
✅ 112. Spring Pet Clinic – Copy Master Template from Spring Pet Clinic
✅ 113. Spring Pet Clinic – Implement Web Resource Optimizer for Java
✅ 114. Spring Pet Clinic – Apply Master Layout to Index Page
✅ 115. Spring Pet Clinic – Internationalization Properties
✅ 116. Spring Pet Clinic – Apply Master Layout to Owner Page
✅ 117. Spring Pet Clinic – Apply Master Layout to Vet Page
✅ 118. Spring Pet Clinic – Task Planning
✅ 119. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Pet Type, Pet, and Visit Entities
✅ 120. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Vet Speciality Entity, Add to Vet
✅ 121. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Contact Info to Owner
✅ 122. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Pet Type Map Service
✅ 123. Spring Pet Clinic – Pet Type Data on Startup
✅ 124. Spring Pet Clinic – Enhance Owners with Pets and Contact Info
✅ 125. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Specialty Map Service
✅ 126. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Specialities to Vets on Startup
✅ 127. Spring Pet Clinic – Fixing Broken Links
✅ 128. Conclusion
Sezione 8: JPA Data Modeling with Spring and Hibernate
✅ 129. Introduction – JPA Data Modeling with Spring and Hibernate
✅ 130. JPA Entity Relationships
✅ 131. Recipe Data Model
✅ 132. Forking in GitHub
✅ 133. One To One JPA Relationships
✅ 134. One To Many JPA Relationships
✅ 135. Assignment – Create One to One Relationship
✅ 136. Assignment – Review
✅ 137. JPA Enumerations
✅ 138. Many To Many JPA Relationships
✅ 139. Creating Spring Data Repositories
✅ 140. Database Initialization with Spring
✅ 141. Spring Data JPA Query Methods
✅ 142. Assignment: Display List of Recipes on Index Page
✅ 143. Assignment Review: Display List of Recipes
✅ 144. Pro-Tips – Using Setters for JPA Bidirectional Relationships
✅ 145. Flashcards
✅ 146. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Base Entity
✅ 147. Spring Pet Clinic – Convert Owners to JPA Entities
✅ 148. Spring Pet Clinic – Convert Vets to JPA Entities
✅ 149. Spring Pet Clinic – Create Visit Entity
✅ 150. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Spring Data JPA Repositories
✅ 151. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Spring Data JPA Owner Service
✅ 152. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Spring Data JPA Vet Service
✅ 153. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Spring Data JPA Pet Type Service
✅ 154. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Spring Data JPA Pet Service
✅ 155. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Spring Data JPA Vet Speciality Service
✅ 156. Spring Pet Clinic – Task Planning
✅ 157. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Map Based Visit Service
✅ 158. Spring Pet Clinic – Add Spring Data JPA Visit Service
✅ 159. Spring Pet Clinic – Using Spring Profiles for Configuration
✅ 160. Conclusion
Sezione 9: Project Lombok
✅ 161. Introduction to Project Lombok
✅ 162. Project Lombok Features
✅ 163. Adding Project Lombok and IDE Configuration
✅ 164. Using Project Lombok
✅ 165. Assignment – Complete Refactoring with Project Lombok
✅ 166. Assignment Review
✅ 167. Gotchas with Project Lombok
✅ 168. Spring Pet Clinic – Refactoring for Project Lombok
✅ 169. Spring Pet Clinic – Amending Commit Messages
Sezione 10: Testing Spring Framework Applications
✅ 170. Introduction to Testing Spring Framework Applications
✅ 171. Using Bootstrap CSS
✅ 172. Introduction to Testing Spring Framework Apps
✅ 173. Creating a JUnit Test
✅ 174. Using Mockito Mocks
✅ 175. Assignment – Write Test for IndexController
✅ 176. Assignment Review
✅ 177. Mockito Argument Capture
✅ 178. Introduction to Spring MockMVC
✅ 179. Spring Integration Test
✅ 180. Maven Failsafe Plugin
✅ 181. Continuous Integration Testing with Circle CI
✅ 182. Introduction to JUnit 5
✅ 183. Spring Pet Clinic – Convert to JUnit 5
✅ 184. Spring Pet Clinic – i18N French Message Properties
✅ 185. Spring Pet Clinic – CRUD Tests for Owner Map Service
✅ 186. Spring Pet Clinic – CRUD Tests for Owner SD JPA Service
✅ 187. Spring Pet Clinic – Testing Owner Controller with MockMVC
✅ 188. Spring Pet Clinic – CI with CircleCI
✅ 189. Spring Pet Clinic – CircleCI Build Badge
✅ 190. Spring Pet Clinic – Bug – JUnit 5 Tests not running from Maven
✅ 191. Conclusion
Sezione 11: CRUD Operations with Spring MVC
✅ 192. Introduction
✅ 193. Using WebJars with Spring Boot
✅ 194. Display a Recipe by ID
✅ 195. Assignment – Display remaining recipe properties
✅ 196. Assignment Review – Display Remaing Recipe Properties
➖ 197. Processing Form Posts with Spring MVC
➖ 198. Creating a Command Object and Type Conversions in Spring
➖ 199. Create a Recipe
➖ 200. Update a Recipe
➖ 201. Delete a Recipe
➖ 202. View Ingredients
➖ 203. Show Ingredient
➖ 204. Update Ingredient
➖ 205. Create an Ingredient
➖ 206. Assignment – Delete an Ingredient
➖ 207. Assignment Review – Delete Ingredient
➖ 208. Enumeration Dropdowns with Spring MVC and Thymeleaf
➖ 209. Using the Debugger
➖ 210. Uploading Images with Spring MVC
➖ 211. Persisting images to Database
➖ 212. Displaying images from Database
➖ 213. Spring Pet Clinic – Display Owner Record
➖ 214. Spring Pet Clinic – Git Feature Branch
➖ 215. Spring Pet Clinic – Web Data Binder
➖ 216. Spring Pet Clinic – Implement Find Owner
➖ 217. Spring Pet Clinic – Fix Find Owner Like
➖ 218. Spring Pet Clinic – Create or Update Owner
➖ 219. Spring Pet Clinic – Model Attribute
➖ 220. Spring Pet Clinic – Create or Update Pet
➖ 221. Spring Pet Clinic – Bug – Create Pet Not working
➖ 222. Spring Pet Clinic – Create or Update Visit
➖ 223. Spring Pet Clinic – Task Planning
➖ 224. Conclusion
Sezione 12: Validation and Constraints with Spring MVC
➖ 225. Introduction to Validation and Constraints with Spring MVC
➖ 226. Overview of Exception Handling
➖ 227. Using Spring MVC Annotation @ResponseStatus
➖ 228. Spring MVC Exception Handler
➖ 229. Showing Error Data on 404 Error Page
➖ 230. Assignment: Handle Number Format Exception
➖ 231. Assignment Review: Handle Number Format Exception
➖ 232. Spring MVC Controller Advice
➖ 233. Data Validation with JSR-303
➖ 234. Data Validation with Spring MVC
➖ 235. Displaying Validation Errors with Thymeleaf
➖ 236. Customizing Error Messages with Message Source
➖ 237. Introduction to Internationalization
➖ 238. Internationalization with Spring MVC
➖ 239. Spring Pet Clinic – Java 8 Bug Crashing CircleCI Builds
➖ 240. Spring Pet Clinic – Upgrading to Java 11
➖ 241. Spring Pet Clinic – Test Contribution
➖ 242. Spring Pet Clinic – Visit Controller Tests
➖ 243. Spring Pet Clinic – Pet Birthdate Binding
➖ 244. Spring Pet Clinic – CRUD Tests Pet Map Service
➖ 245. Spring Pet Clinic – Implement Vets List View
➖ 246. Spring Pet Clinic – Implement Vets JSON Endpoint
➖ 247. Conclusion
Sezione 13: Introduction to Docker
✅ 248. Course Extra – Docker
✅ 249. Discussion about Docker with Rob A
✅ 250. Introduction
✅ 251. What is Docker
✅ 252. Docker Editions
✅ 253. Installing Docker
✅ 254. Hello World with Docker
✅ 255. Docker Hub
✅ 256. Introducing KiteMatic
✅ 257. Assignment – Run Hello World Nginx
✅ 258. Conclusion
Sezione 14: Working with Containers and Images
➖ 259. Introduction
➖ 260. Running Mongo DB Docker Container
➖ 261. Assignment – Download and Run Spring Boot Project
➖ 262. Assignment Review
➖ 263. Docker Images
➖ 264. Docker Files
➖ 265. Non Persistent Container Storage
➖ 266. Assigning Storage
➖ 267. Assignment – Run Rabbit MQ Container
➖ 268. Assignment Review
➖ 269. Assignment – Run MySQL in a Container
➖ 270. Assignment Review
➖ 271. Docker House Keeping
➖ 272. Flash Cards
➖ 273. Conclusion
Sezione 15: Running Spring Boot in a Centos Image
➖ 274. Introduction
➖ 275. Preparing CentOS for Java development
➖ 276. Run Your Own Spring Boot App
➖ 277. Sample Spring Boot Application
➖ 278. Running Spring Boot from Docker
➖ 279. Assignment – Fix Dockerfile
➖ 280. Assignment Review
➖ 281. Interview with James Labocki of Red Hat
➖ 282. Conclusion
➖ 283. Docker Section Conclusion
Sezione 16: Introduction and Installation of MySQL
➖ 284. Introduction
➖ 285. History of MySQL
➖ 286. RDBMS Deployment Architectures
➖ 287. SQL Data Types
➖ 288. Review of MySQL Installation Options
➖ 289. MySQL Windows Quick Start
➖ 290. MySQL Windows 10 Installation
➖ 291. MySQL OSX Quick Start
➖ 292. MySQL OSX Installation
➖ 293. MySQL Linux Installation Quick Start
➖ 294. MySQL Linux Installation Ubuntu
➖ 295. MySQL Linux Installation CentOS
Sezione 17: Connecting to MySQL
➖ 296. Introduction
➖ 297. Connecting to MySQL Overview
➖ 298. MySQL Command Line for OSX & Linux
➖ 299. MySQL Command Line for Docker
➖ 300. MySQL Workbench Windows Installation Quick Start
➖ 301. MySQL Workbench OSX Installation Quick Start
➖ 302. MySQL Workbench OSX Installation
➖ 303. MySQL Workbench Linux Installation Quick Start
Sezione 18: Using MySQL with Spring Boot
➖ 304. Introduction
➖ 305. Introduction to MySQL
➖ 306. Application Code Review
➖ 307. Assignment – Configure MySQL
➖ 308. Assignment Review – Configuration of MySQL
➖ 309. CircleCI Configuration
➖ 310. Code Coverage Configuration for CodeCov.io
➖ 311. Spring Boot Configuration for MySQL
➖ 312. Schema Generation With Hibernate
➖ 313. Refactor Database Initialization for MySQL
➖ 314. Conclusion
Sezione 19: Spring Data MongoDB
✅ 315. Introduction to Spring Data MongoDB
✅ 316. Introduction to MongoDB
✅ 317. Mongo Application Code Review
✅ 318. CircleCI Configuration
✅ 319. Code Coverage Configuration for CodeCov.io
➖ 320. Embedded MongoDB Configuration
➖ 321. Refactoring Data Model for MongoDB
➖ 322. Correcting Application Defects Under MongoDB
➖ 323. Integration Testing with MongoDB
➖ 324. Conclusion